Annual Filing Requirements for German Companies


All German companies, irrespective of their type, have to file and publish their annual accounts once a year. The electronic form and the printed version of the annual financial statement of a German company must be submitted to the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger). Announcements, legal notices and the annual filing requirements for German companies are advertised in this gazette. Medium-sized companies enjoy certain facilities regarding the content of the financial statement.

Our law firm in Germany can provide you with detailed information about the annual accounts of your company.

Which companies have to file and publish their annual accounts in Germany?

According to the provisions of the Commercial Law in Germany, the following companies are obliged to prepare and publish their annual account:

The annual filing requirements apply to all companies registered in Germany irrespective of:

If you need professional assistance in filing the annual accounts for your company, you can rely on our lawyers in Germany.

The value-added tax filing and payment requirements that follow after VAT registration in Germany can be detailed by our team upon request. Companies are expected to file the needed VAT returns, including the quarterly preliminary returns, which are filed electronically. VAT refunds are issued when the input tax exceeds the VAT. Monthly preliminary returns are also filed in some cases.

What documents have to be filled in Germany?

At the end of the financial year, German companies must file the following documents:

Small German companies benefit from the facilities of the Commercial Code and only have to file and publish a balance sheet and notes.

Don`t hesitate to contact our attorneys in Germany if you need legal expertise in complying with the annual financial requirements.